Friday, 2 March 2012

Save Malaysia, Stop Lynas

Did u know, we have a hot issue about Lynas. Firstly I also don't know what is Lynas?? After I read more about Lynas and I know some news about it. I don't know more about it but I'll share u some of the issue.. Hey friends, what do u think about it? Why the Malaysian citizen didn't against it before the Lynas Corp was built-up?  Hopefully this info can help u about this issue and hopefully we have initiative to solve the problem without war. Did u know the meaning of Lynas??

What is Lynas and where is the waste going to go??

The Lynas Corporation issue has been going on for a while now. This is one serious matter which needs to be addressed or it would have a lot of consequences later. In fact, it all began when the government invited Lynas Corp to build its plant in the Kuantan area where it would be producing rare earth materials. Make no mistake about this, rare earth are not that rare to begin with.
In fact, rare earth metals can be found in several places and the whole production involves mining and extracting it. Rare earth metals are important as it is used to produce many of today’s devices. This include the likes of catalytic converters, wind turbines, the more known disk drives, hybrid car batteries, mobile phones as well as television screen displays. This means that rare earth metal is pretty much one of the material which is used to power up today’s appliances, which means that if it can be produced in Malaysia, the cost of these devices could be greatly reduced. But is that going to be the case.
At the moment, supply of rare earth in the world comes from China which commands some 97% of the supply. These minerals are found in ores where it contain very small amounts of uranium and thorium, which are radioactive elements and hence, there is a very important debate about whether it would be hazardous.
The argument for Lynas is that people are constantly being exposed to a certain radioactive exposure level which is at 1mSv per year. The Lyncas project involves Lynas Corp of Australia which is involved in the production and sale of rare earth ores and its products. What it wants to do in Gebeng, which is not far from Kuantan is to process the rare earth ore which they mine from Mount Weld in Western Australia. The rare earth ore will come through the container which will port at Kuantan.
Their reason is that there are skilled workers and gas and water supplies here while it is also located close to the Kuantan port. In Gebent, Lynas Corp will extract the rare earth minerals from the ore where they will mostly be used for export.
The big question is what about the waste? That is the biggest concern that drew Himpunan Hijau to protest. Lynas Corp claims that the waste will be used to make products which will be safe or tored in secure containers in certain sites. Where exactly are the sites? Is it going to be in Malaysia? Word has it that to attract Lynas to build their site here, they are exempted from 12 years of tax. So who is actually benefiting from all this?
Nobody wants the waste from the rare earth ore because they are radioactive. No country wants them. What happens when they run out of space to store the waste? What if they pour it into Kuantan river? All this questions must be answered and they must be satisfactory before they can start their operations because if not, there will surely be long term effects.

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